Why Your Lights Just Dimmed

The FDNY reports a generator at the outdoor ConEd substation on Water St. caught fire, but has been put out by the automatic extinguisher system.

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  • AEB

    Whew! Radio went off, came back on. Less like dimming than a quick off-on.

  • Andrew Porter

    There was extensive Con Ed work being performed on Pineapple Street in front of 69, last night, until 4:30am. Large cable-bearing truck blocked the street until that time. A shame I had to close my windows to the cool weather while fighting a losing battle against the construction noise.

  • bklyn20

    I am at the Court St Theater for the 730 “Contagion.” At 9:20 movie stopped at a crucial place in the plot. The audience proceeded to amuse them/ourselves by making hand shadow puppets and laser pointer doodles. I contributed a bunny.

    Now over half of the packed theatre has left and the feeble Regal mgmnt are trying to reboot film. Kenn Lowy should be consulting here!

  • http://loscalzo.posterous.com Homer Fink

    bklyn20 just phoned in and said she’s at the Court St. cinema and the movie stopped… and people started pulled out their laser pointers and cell phones and made shadow puppets on the screen… good times.

  • http://loscalzo.posterous.com Homer Fink

    oh heck here’s here official report:
    Regal court st. 2 theatres had power surge at 9;20 pm. Audience amused selves with laser pointers. cell phone lights and hand shadow puppets. I made a bunny. I really hate typing on phone keyboards.

  • bklyn20

    Sorry for the duplications – and very fast response Homer! We now are watching previews and praying we get back to the (really pretty good) movie.

  • bklyn20

    Movie back on 10:15.

  • Jorale-man

    I saw that quick dim! it seems like an odd night in the Heights. Roaming packs of high school kids yelling and carrying on. A loud party at the frat house on Sidney Place. Must be the change in weather.

  • nabeguy

    I lost power for 2 days after Irene. You guys are wimps!

  • WillowtownCop

    My cable went out briefly- I was blaming Time Warner. They seem to time their outages for right in the middle of important baseball games.