Boccelism Fourpeats, Keeps Bocce Fun

1.jpg Boccelism fourpeated as champs in the FloydNY Winter Bocce League Finals, defeating the PoTown Pallinos in two straight games on Sunday (4/29).

Brigate Bocce capo Homer Fink, whose team was eliminated in the second round by the very Type A Kobra Kai, issued this statement upon learning of Boccelism's victory, "Gli Americani ed i ventilatori del bocce possono riposarsi bene stasera per il honor del nostro gioco caro è stato sostenuto. Gli uomini di Boccelism sono brave e sono temuti soltanto dal più debole degli uomini. Bravo Boccelism! Li vedremo nei finali la stagione prossima."

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  • Claude Scales

    I’m glad to see that the guy sitting in front is wearing a Mets shirt. Maybe Boccelism’s good fortune will spill over to Shea.

  • youthlarge

    Don’t let the uniform fool you. They are the New York Yankees of Brooklyn Bocce.

  • Claude Scales

    But they’re winners, nonetheless.