Brooklyn Women’s Exchange Celebrates 170th Anniversary – Get Your Tickets to the Gala on Monday, June 3rd at 6 pm

The Brooklyn Women’s Exchange is celebrating 170 incredible years of supporting independent craftspeople from Brooklyn and beyond, and invites all to its 170th Anniversary Benefit Gala.

Join us for our 170th Anniversary Benefit, taking place on Monday, June 3rd at St Ann’s Parish Hall (157 Montague St.). During this evening, we will pay tribute to our esteemed past presidents for their invaluable contributions in steering the BWE on its remarkable journey of success.

Starting at 6 PM, we’ll celebrate with wine, hors d’oeuvres, and plenty of FUN, featuring raffle baskets brimming with handcrafted treasures!

We kindly ask for your support of the Brooklyn Women’s Exchange, as your contribution is crucial to our ongoing sustainability.

Support this historical and important organization and get your tickets at this link.


The Brooklyn Women’s Exchange is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN 11-2650941.


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