City to Designate Ten Parking Spots in the Heights to Rideshare Vehicles

Oh boy, this is bound to incite a rousing debate. WPIX reports that the City has chosen 14 neighborhoods for its two-year pilot program to designate certain parking spots to rideshare companies such as Zipcar. Park Slope and Cobble Hill/Carroll Gardens will have to relinquish 30 spots each. Boerum Hill will have to do without 20, and Brooklyn Heights and Red Hook, 10 each.

Photo credit: By Herzi Pinki (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

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  • B.

    Cameras mounted on street-cleaning trucks would be a great thing. Not expensive. A car interferes with your truck’s getting close to the curb? Its owner hasn’t moved it yet? Hit the button, take a picture of the license plate, send it electronically off to get the car ticketed. Eventually scofflaws will get the idea.