Open Thread Wednesday

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • Andrew Porter

    Read recently that One Brooklyn Bridge Park, 360 Furman Street, #1216, was rented for $45K a month by some famous person.

  • Banet

    Ok, but that’s 8,500 square feet. All water views. For sale for $15M. With $20k/month in common charges and taxes that need to be paid out of that $45k each month.

  • nomcebo manzini

    Heaven knows that I can be silly, too, but one does well to look past the most extreme/outlandish case to what’s normal:
    [From Renthop:]
    New York rentals average $3,500 for a studio rental…. [1BR: $4,250 per month]

    Streeteasy, o.t.o.h., seems to show some studios below $3K nearby, but it’s clearly a tough time to be looking to rent.

  • Andrew Porter

    You can edit your posts up to 7 days later, you know…

  • Jorale-man

    Wow, even given what Banet says, that’s a lot of dough to be living down there.

  • clarknt67

    Same. If not for 30 years of rent stabilization I would never be able to afford the Heights.