Times Reports on Brooklyn Bridge Park’s “New Vistas”

In Sunday’s New York Times Lisa W. Foderaro reported on recent developments in Brooklyn Bridge Park, including the soon-to-open outer portion of Pier 6 (photo), the Park’s southernmost pier, located near the foot of Atlantic Avenue. She interviewed Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation president Regina Myer, who said:

Pier 6 is a space where people can really relax and enjoy natural beauty, but atop a concrete deck in the middle of the East River. It provides a landscape that you can almost get lost in.

Ms. Foderaro observed that “[u]ntil recently, Pier 6…had been largely barren. Now it evoked a Vermont meadow in midsummer.” She contrasted the bucolic quality of Pier 6 with another portion of the Park that will open soon: the John Street section at the Park’s northern end. Here, she noted, remnants of the area’s industrial past, including railroad tracks, have been preserved.

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  • Willow Street Watch

    A “Vermont meadow in summer”?! What wonderful accurate reporting…
    Since every Times article on this subject is some kind of insensitive assault on this community, or a belittlement of the very legitimate concerns of some of our best citizens, How about sending the journal-
    listic children of the Ochs/Sulzberger’s to a new vista.

    For their honesty and amount of concern for the rights and wellbeing of Heights residents I’m tempted to say North Korea…but really I want to say another place they already have been…

  • AnnOfOrange

    NYT article written by the public relations department of Brooklyn Bridge Park!

  • Andrew Porter

    I thought it was very rah rah myself; ity came across as shilling for the BBP. Certainly not objective.

  • Teresa
  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com ClaudeScales

    Thanks. The link is already in the post above.

  • Jorale-man

    Yes, do you notice how every time the Times references the fight over the Pier 6 high-rises, they play up the affordable housing aspect of the buildings? It’s suggesting that that’s the real reason residents don’t want them built there – not their out-of-context scale or burdens on local infrastructure.