Ten Ways to Love Brooklyn Bridge Park in Winter

The Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy has given us ten reasons to love the Park in the wintertime. Another reason is embedded in their first one: it’s a lot less crowded. See the ten reasons here, illustrated with stunning photos by Etienne Frossard and Julienne Schaer.

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  • Jorale-man

    All of their reasons involve some variant of snow, which we aren’t getting much of this winter. Maybe we still will – but go down there now and you just get the frigid cold!

  • shirleyofcrownheights

    Wow. Park has pictures with snow. Park is too cold. Park is bad. Is there anything about the park you approve of?

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlsiLOnWCoI Arch Stanton

    #1. Far fewer Tourists.

  • AnnOfOrange

    Let’s start a list of 10 things to dislike about Brooklyn Bridge Park. I’ll start it with —
    The Great Wall of Pier House that is closing in the North Heights

  • ShinyNewHandle

    I’ll bite: Filling of needed open space with other vista-damaging & unnecessary structures (carousel, Fulton Ferry Landing restaurant-tent).

  • gatornyc

    What an original subject. Like this list has never been started here. How about we finally focus on all the positives of the park?

  • bethman14

    Reason # 1: An opportunity for all the privileged bored folks of the Heights to develop an entirely new list of things to complain and whine about.

  • ujh

    Shirley, you’re not missed if you stay in Crown Heights..

  • ujh

    Bethman, any response to these ungrateful individuals legitimizes their existence.

  • Mini_Cooper

    The best thing about the park in winter is that it attracts far less foot traffic through the Heights.