Comments on: You Should Know Where to Park During Movie Shoot This Week Dispatches from America's first suburb Thu, 02 May 2024 18:15:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jesse Wed, 23 Feb 2011 04:22:02 +0000 “Really,” whoever he or she is, is just being a pain-in-the-butt contrarian, and a nonsensical one at that. I won’t even bother responding, since he/she moves the goalposts every time. Nothing anybody says here will be enough.

So, to add my voice to the crowd of very reasonable complainers: I think it’s understandable that living in a beautiful picturesque neighborhood in a big famous rich city means that people will sometimes want to shoot films here. That’s fine, I don’t really mind. What I do mind is that they’ve completely taken over the hood with no alternate arrangements other than “Call us if you’re towed and we’ll tell you where you are.” How about you take some of the many many millions of dollars you’re spending to make this movie and pay for overnight parking for us. What is it, $30 a night on State Street? Let’s say it’s 100 cars — that’s $3000! You spend twice that on the catering spread and the bagels are stale anyway.

I don’t know whom to complain to about this: 311, SJP, Homer Fink … all I know is I definitely can’t complain to Really.

By: Dorothy Daniela Josephs Thu, 17 Feb 2011 22:14:02 +0000 The problem is that though the city collects revenue for the use of its streets, Brooklyn Heights is highly used and receives little of the benefit from the film shoots. I find it a great inconvenience for our neighborhood. I will never forget the day I walked out of my “luxury” coop to find a Portajohn for HIS and HERS parked directly in front of my front door, and a big movie trailer parked in the fire zone. These kinds of abuses are outrageous, and I do not love all the many, some awful crap, movies shot in Brooklyn Heights. If we have to put up with the inconvenience, then our neighborhood should receive more benefits for the many shoots done here, but we don’t receive hardly any benefit from it– just rudeness and inconvenience, loss of parking spaces, mess, sidewalks blocked, and the noise of idling trailers, etc. I am not at all star struck, and loathe the whole idea of my neighborhood abused for junky Hollywood Movies, hideous television shows, and crappy commercials. We need less entertainment and more community organizing. Climate change is here and we’d better get serious about what matters and stop being a country that entertains itself TO DEATH!!!!! Mayor Bloomberg loves the revenue the city collects, but practically none of it benefits our neighborhood. We ought to demand a bigger piece of that pie.

By: David on Middagh Wed, 16 Feb 2011 17:20:21 +0000 “I Know Where You Parked Last Summer”

By: william Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:14:25 +0000 Under the Bridge,

Don’t forget the:

The French Connection
Trading Places (the gorilla getting shipped back to Africa scene at the end of the movie)

By: HC Wed, 16 Feb 2011 02:38:10 +0000 I could care less how much parking space they take up. I pay for parking. Takes a lot of stress out of your life.

By: UnderTHE BRIDGE Wed, 16 Feb 2011 01:54:17 +0000 MIDNIGHT RUN

and on and on….

By: mytwocents Wed, 16 Feb 2011 00:51:29 +0000 I may be late to this conversation, but it seams to me everyones talking out of both sides of there perverbial mouth on this highly dubious yet trully polerizing issue. The parking issue notwithstanding, let me play devels advacate here…I live on joralamen street. Do you see me complaining about the parking? NO!!

not even if i drove would you find me siting around throwing stones at those would-be parkers wining about there fatcat cars. when was the last time you though about the environment and stopped to consider the carbin footprint your leaving behind in all that snow??

so what’s the net net here…does it really mater where peopel park there stupid cars? NO!! Look, I get it: I like movies as much as the next guy, but on the flipside of the coin, lets not look a gifthorse in the mouth. if hollywood comes calling, youd all be cashing in you’re chips bigtime.

By: nabeguy Tue, 15 Feb 2011 23:57:16 +0000 really, let’s not forget that, along with “these people that come in for (3) profit making days”, there are other productions (some simultaneously) that deprive the residents of not only access to their parking space, but street access as well.

By: really? Tue, 15 Feb 2011 23:11:22 +0000 North Heights, thank you for your understanding. I’m playing devils advocate, because I read this blog a lot and hear a lot of chatter but no one does anything to change things. a lot of false promises to call 311 or vote or call the BHA. It’s laughable. these people come in for (3) profit making days. WE as individuals park here for 362 other profit making days (we all make a profit otherwise we wouldn’t live here). Just a lot of crying about nothing. I drive, i have kids, i go around and around. You live in a nice neighborhood that has fancy streets, then expect it to be hard to park. comes with the tree lined streets. If it was easy to park it wouldn’t be as exclusive as it is. Another words, be thankful you can’t park! that is what you want, but you want it your way. Not you as in you North Heights, just making a point.

By: bklyn20 Tue, 15 Feb 2011 23:08:02 +0000 As a car-free individual, much of this is purely academic to me, but the shoot does seem to take up a LOT of parking spaces. And after shoveling out cars, the crew put snow back onto Garden Place (the roadbed) and onto Joralemon between Henry and Hicks (mainly on the sidewalk.) I suppose this is for continuity purposes.

Angry about all this? Here are some deep pockets for the perfect slip-and-fall lawsuit opportunity! (Kidding, kidding.)

By: north heights res Tue, 15 Feb 2011 22:54:53 +0000 really? There’s certainly a point to what you say about the streets being public and not ours…of course. But as that is the case, then they shouldn’t be off limits to a private, profit-making company for hours, if not days, on end. No? Not much public in that scenario.

By: AnnOfOrange Tue, 15 Feb 2011 20:42:32 +0000 It’s not just about the parking or the pollution from large trucks with generators running all day or the rude people who won’t let you stop your car for a minute in front of your building or the truck parked 24/7 in a No Parking Fire Zone or the sense of entitlement of everyone associated with filming a movie. It is all of this. The only benefit is to the owner of the house who must have been paid handsomely and is on vacation and misses all the noise and other disruption.

By: really? Tue, 15 Feb 2011 19:39:57 +0000 the main problem i see is that everyone “thinks” the parking is theirs and they own it. it just frustrates you because you believe you own these spaces or are entitled to them. if it was yours , no one else would be parking in them. Your apartment is yours to live in because you own it or rent it. these are public streets. you don’t own them…and it’s frustrating to you all. it’s just funny to hear. and it’s funny to hear how parking, can make you so crazy. if you want to own the parking, go to a garage and own the space, no one is stopping you. Change the way you think, share, love life. It’s funny how parking can bruise egos. it’s silly.

By: william Tue, 15 Feb 2011 18:36:12 +0000 Isn’t there some empty space inside the Brooklyn Bridge anchorages? Let’s use that for parking. It isn’t being used for anything. Or use some the former Witness property for indoor parking. Make some money, and get some parking.

By: eatfood Tue, 15 Feb 2011 17:52:44 +0000 really?, car pollution? what is this, 1995? who complains about that anymore? also, i dont care about sarah jessica parker. she’s unattractive and is not the best actress. the only redeeming quality about her is that she’s married to matthew broderick AKA ferris friggin bueller.

parking in the heights has gotten significantly worse since the garage on love lane has closed, and i dont care if dont like us complaining. we have a right to. that being said, i plan to walk by the movie sets and fix myself a plate of their fine catered food. if they try to stop me, im going to let them know that they are taking away my parking. fair’s fair, right?

By: Robyn Mon, 14 Feb 2011 19:06:09 +0000 The more “really?” talks the more I think he/she works for the producer/company as their PR person. Of course he/she may coincidently be a BH resident.

I do believe something must be done about this constant filming in the area. They should at least provide garage vouchers to the owners of the cars parked on the streets where they are filming.

May be we should all call the borough councilman or congressmen (you think they are played off?) to put an end to these constant disruptions in the hood?!

By: Buddy Holly Mon, 14 Feb 2011 18:37:46 +0000 Nobody wants detention.

By: nabeguy Mon, 14 Feb 2011 18:23:38 +0000 FYI, when I left for work this morning, the signs on Middagh between Henry and Hicks were no longer up. I guess they were too afraid to mess with the teachers union.

By: Fritz Mon, 14 Feb 2011 16:27:22 +0000 They tow your car somewhere and leave it ticket free for the duration. Usually in what would otherwise be an illegal space. What’s the problem? Better to park in the tow zone than search for a legal space before they tow. How do you find out where it was towed too?

By: annoyed Mon, 14 Feb 2011 16:23:19 +0000 Really? – first of all I exercise 6 times a week. Second of all havign hundreds of cars circle the neighborhood while the movie personnel cars idle needlessly is what’s bad for the environment. Finally, while you may object to double parking, at least they are subject to some enforcement rather than privledge and endorsement. The movie people can work without being given special deals.

By: Eddy de Lectron Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:40:57 +0000 Anyone know a marching band?

By: Buddy Holly Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:17:55 +0000 Let’s call in the choppers, and let them hover over the filming site for a few hours….

By: really? Mon, 14 Feb 2011 15:05:32 +0000 i feel sick….”the snow” “the parking” “the outrage” “the bad bad movie people” …I have an idea, park your car far far away so you crazy people have to walk, get some exercise, get that heart rate up a little, and take a moment to think about your lives. we are lucky to live here, we are lucky to have cars. Do you want me to talk about the people who walk and see your cars polluting OUR AIR. It’s childish. And no I don’t work for the company or whatever you think. Im a resident who likes the neighborhood like you. but i also enjoy watching films even if the “suck”. I’m sickened. Absolutely sickened. disturbed. When trucks make deliveries all day in the neighborhood it’s what they do. Should they be allowed to double park? It’s silly. Men and women have to work. good luck. Godbless.

By: Winstion Smith Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:48:00 +0000 @ willowtown, Great idea, however, not too realistic. I doubt many people are going to go out and buy boots for their cars. Where does one buy a boot anyway?
I say we all meet tomorrow and drive our cars very slowly around the block they are filming on. people on foot could also join in constantly walking through their set. They have no authority to prevent you from walking or driving on public streets or sidewalks, they can only ask for your cooperation. They love to act all official and tell you to stop and wait a minute while they shoot the take… just walk past them, they’ll have to stop the cameras “CUT”

By: AEB Mon, 14 Feb 2011 12:15:54 +0000 As a condition of using the streets, the movie brigade should have to remove all residual snow and still-there garbage from them. I mean, fair’s fair.

(They should also have to open and maintain an excellent restaurant that serves great moderately priced food and that also facilitates sexual transactions among those present. Which of course means that diners will have to be imported from other nabes, like Rio….)

By: north heights res Mon, 14 Feb 2011 10:59:54 +0000 Really? and others…I could care less about the movies that are made in this neighborhood; I don’t get any particular kick out of seeing where I live on the screen, or of seeing celebrities in my neighborhood. Not criticizing those who do…just saying that those things are not, to me, benefits of the current situation.

In fact, I do find it offensive that our neighborhood is taken over, with no tangible benefits to residents and visitors, so that already-rich actors and producers and directors can get richer. It’s not as though they’re contributing some good to the world; just lining their own pockets, at great inconvenience and disruption, and, arguably, expense to our neighborhood.

You need a few streets? Fine. Mildly annoying, but manageable. This situation does not feel manageable, and I agree with those suggesting that we make our displeasure known. Anyone know whom we should call?

By: WillowtownCop Mon, 14 Feb 2011 06:56:34 +0000 I’ve seen cars parked with boots put on by the owners so no one can steal their rims. If everyone put one boot on one back tire they would need flat beds for every single car. They couldn’t possibly tow 50 cars on flatbeds in time to make their stupid movie. You might get a ticket but it would cost them a lot more money and send a clear message about what we won’t tolerate in this neighborhood.

By: Val Mon, 14 Feb 2011 03:53:25 +0000 That’s basically the whole neighborhood. Including both sides of some streets that only have single side parking. Ridiculous!

By: x Mon, 14 Feb 2011 03:48:58 +0000 They should use the nearby Steiner Studios instead!

By: MARTINLBROOKLYN Mon, 14 Feb 2011 03:41:57 +0000 I am with Avenger (pls hold the obscenities) when it comes to valuing movie making in the nabe as some kind of vicarious cheap thrill. They are using our hardware for free, or for some paltry sum compared to reproducing city streets at Steiner Studios.
Some of us do not like to used this way, even for a mess of pottage.
The city is supposed to meter out these privileges so that movie makers do not tie up hundreds of valuable and irreplaceable parking spaces on a single day.
Question for the BHA, et all, there a limit? What is the limit? No limit? Then, for God’s sake, let’s get one set.
Heights’ electeds….are you listening??
